Smart Jewellery Application Service

Smart Jewellery

Sale Software by MMI Software


  • Jewellery Pur. with Stamp,Gr.Wt.,Less Wt, Net Wt.,
  • Tunch,Wstg,Fine,Labour
  • UnApproved Purchase (Tunch not known)
  • Issue For Tunch Testing Directly from Purchase
  • On Approval Purchase

Stock Inventory

  • Stock Staus In Hand (Wt and Pc wise)
  • Stock Methods
  • Item Wise
  • Stamp Wise
  • Batch No Wise
  • Purity Wise
  • Item Group Wise
  • Stock Summary
  • Stock Ledgers
Stock Inventory Software by MMI Software
Customer Report Software by MMI Software

Customer Reports

  • AgeWise Outstandings
  • Bills Outstandings
  • Customers Payment Trend (Days & Interest Loss)
  • Average Balance On Customers/Suppliers
  • Customer Wise Profit & Loss
  • Metal Sale/Purchase Profit & Loss Report
  • Sale-Purchase Registers
  • Interest Calculation

Suppliers & Karigars

  • Stock Inward (Purchase or from Karigar)
  • Outstanding Bills
  • Suppliers Ledgers
  • Balance on Gr.Wt. , Fine Wt. and labour
Suppliers and Karigars Software by MMI Software
Reports Software by MMI Software


  • Day Book
  • Cash Book
  • Metal Book
  • Bhav Book
  • Daily Trading & Profit-Loss Report
  • Capital Status & Balance Sheet


  • Only One day data at workplace
  • Multi level passwords and rights setup
  • Block previous days Modification & deletion for operator
  • Restrict Operator for feeding in current date
  • All Data Deletion by a single key-stroke
  • Audit Feature to cross check operator's feeding and
  • Prevent modification/deletion of audited records
  • Limited Access (On particular groups of A/c) to Operator
MMI Software Security

Value Added Features

MMI Software only One Day Feeding

One day Feeding

  • Only one day data at work place
  • Daily data trancfer to Storage company
  • selected party outstanding in one day company
  • Stock display or not in one day company


  • Goods Receive & Amount Issue to Customer as per Valuation
  • Girvi Transfer to Bank or any third party
  • Different Intt.Options (Simple/Compound)
  • Girvi Loss Report (Transactions runing in loss)
  • Separate Trial Balance of Girvi Parties
  • Complete Ledger Printing Option
MMI Girvi Software
MMI Software SMS Facility


  • Against every Bill with current balance
  • Birth Dates/Anniversary
  • Order ready
  • Girvi interest reminder
  • Outstanding Sms
  • General

Staff Salary

  • Attendence with punch card
  • Calculate overtime automatically
  • Attendence sheet and Salary sheet
  • Salary direct post to staff a/c from salary sheet
Staff Management Software by MMI Software